Sunday, November 12, 2017

How to make Cornflake Wreath Cookies

My oven is certified.  Yes, just right before Christmas, my beloved oven went to RIP and I needed to bake some dessert for a family party for tomorrow.  This recipe saved me.  A 5-minute-stir plus 15 more minutes to form the shapes and to decorate.  These impressive cookies were born.  Anyone who needs to make some last minute cookies, here is the recipe:

Cornflake Wreath Cookies

Ingredients: (make 2-4 wreaths)
3/4 cup Unsweet Cornflakes
3/4 cup White Chocolate Chips
1/2 tablespoons Dried Cranberries, diced
Green Food Colorant

3/4 杯   無糖粟米片
3/4 杯   白朱古力粒
1/2 湯匙   紅越莓,切小粒


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