Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bacon Wrapped Bananas | 煙肉焗香蕉

Bacon with banana? Yup.  It may sound a bit exotic to many people.  It did to me too the first time I heard of it from my housemate, who was from Malaysia.  She told me that it was a popular food people would grill on a barbecue or bake in the oven.  

Lady finger banana is the perfect kind of banana for this dish because it has a relatively firmer body that can go under a high heat of baking without breaking down to mush.  Also, this type of banana is much sweeter than the big ones.

My husband and my son certainly like this exotic flavour and they both are looking forward to the next time when I make it. 

Bacon Wrapped Bananas | 煙肉焗香蕉  

6 Lady finger bananas
6 pieces of Bacon
1 extra Lady finger banana (for garnish)

6 條 皇帝蕉
6 片   煙肉
1 條   皇帝蕉 (裝飾用)


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