Friday, November 3, 2017

Oatmeal Turkey Meatball Soup | 燕麥火雞肉丸湯

In addition to the extra fibre, the oats also give a tenderer texture to the meat balls that suit the appetites of younger kids.  It is the dish that can boost up the body in a winter day.
Oatmeal Turkey Meatball Soup

Ingredients for Meatballs:
450 gram Ground Turkey
1 cup Whole Oats
1 Onion, diced
1 Egg
1 tablespoon Sugar
1/3 teaspoon Salt

Ingredients for Soup:
4 cups Beef Broth
4 cups Water
1 cup Carrots, bite size
1 cup Celery, bite size
1 cup Button Mushroom
1.5 cups Tomatoes
1/2 cup Chickpeas
1/3 cup Cilantro, minced
Salt to taste


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