Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lemony Spaghetti and Grilled Chicken | 檸汁意麵配烤雞塊

The first time when I made spaghetti with lemon sauce was long ago when I was pregnant.  I still remember how much I craved this citrus flavoured spaghetti and roasted chicken.

We were living on a remote island back then, and button mushrooms and basil, and these types of exotic products somehow were often sold out very quickly due to the high demand.  It brought stress for a pregnant woman whose stomach only accepted lemony spaghetti and nothing else (It was funny when I look back now). 

So, everyday as soon as my husband got off the ferry, I would urge him to buy all the ingredients so that I could cook.   We ate this spaghetti literarily every day through my whole pregnancy, and my husband didn't even complain about it once (he is wonderful).  Years later, he told me he was actually terrified about seeing it served at the table at some point, but love blinded him.

Perhaps my son "ate" a lot of lemony spaghetti in my tummy too, so he also loves it so much.  He claims it is his favourite food ever.  And it is true.  He eats much more than usual whenever we serve him this dish.

For the chicken, I used skin-on chicken thighs.  Not sure about your preference, but we don't like chicken breast and skinless chicken as much as thighs.  There is too much compromise on the taste.  When you can, try to purchase some good quality chicken so that you will not need to load lots of seasoning or herbs to mask the flavour of the freezer taste.

You can slice the mushrooms, but I found chunky mushrooms bring more juice and flavour.  Add the mushrooms into the spaghetti after turning off the heat and allow the mushrooms to cook with the remaining heat.  In this way, the mushrooms won't release water while keeping their intense flavour.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy this recipe.     

 Lemony Spaghetti and Grilled Chicken | 檸汁意麵配烤雞塊
Chicken Thighs
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Chilli Pepper (optional)

1 Lemon of zest
1 Lemon of juice
Olive Oil
Basil Leaves
Sea Salt
Black Pepper

辣椒粉 (隨意)

1 個   檸檬,刨皮和榨汁


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