Thursday, November 2, 2017

Simple Sesame Sweet Soup | 簡易芝麻糊

Adding white rice in the sweet soup is to thicken the consistency and also gives it a smoother texture while coordinating the bitter flavour of the sesame.  You may see that I added a few other types of mixed grains in my rice, but it's totally personal preference.  The fact was, I ran out of white rice.  Lol. 

In this recipe, I skipped the process of straining, which is supposed to give a silky texture for your palate.  Since this original texture doesn't bother me, I was happy to keep all the remains and to save the work.  If you do like the smoother version, after blending the rice and the sesame, you can strain the mixture through a cheese cloth or a fine-mesh sieve to filter the residue.

Hope you enjoy our traditional dessert.


Simple Sesame Sweet Soup | 簡易芝麻糊

Ingredients: (yield about 2 portions)
85 gram Ground Black Sesame
20 gram Rice, rinsed, soaked for about an hour
60 gram Rock Sugar or White Sugar
2 cups Water

* Ground black sesame is always available in big Asian markets.  If you have only black sesame seeds, just simply toast them in a pan over a low heat until they are fragrant and start to pop.  Then, blend the seeds with the soaked rice together until smooth.

材料: (約2人份)
85 克   黑芝麻粉
20 克   白米,洗淨,浸約一小時
60 克   冰糖 或 白砂糖
2 杯   水


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