Thursday, November 2, 2017

Apple Coleslaw+Vegan Coleslaw Dressing | 蘋果沙律+全素沙律醬

This dressing is made of silken tofu.  The smooth tofu forms a creamy texture while giving a mild soy flavour to the salad.  I would say this dressing tastes far better than the non-vegan mayo or coleslaw dressing in the market.

Apple Coleslaw+Vegan Coleslaw Dressing

Ingredients for Salad: (yield 4 servings)
2.5 cups Apples (I used Fuji here)
1/2 cup Carrot
1/3 cup Dried Cranberries and Raisins
1/3 cup Peacan, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon Poppy Seeds

Tofu Dressing:
160 gram Silken Tofu
1/4 cup Canolia Oil
2 tablespoons Virgin Extract Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice
1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoons Agava Syrup
1/8 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1/8 teaspoon Sea Salt

沙律材料: (約四人份)
2.5 杯 蘋果 (我這兒用上富士蘋果)
1/2 杯  蘿蔔
1/3 杯  紅越莓乾和提子乾
1/3 杯  美洲薄殼胡桃
1 茶匙   罌粟籽

160 克   滑豆腐
1/4 杯   芥花籽油
2 湯匙   初榨橄欖油
1 湯匙   鮮檸檬汁
1 茶匙   第戒芥未醬
1 湯匙   龍舌蘭蜜
1/8 茶匙   黑胡椒碎
1/8 茶匙   海鹽

1. In a medium bowl, add all the ingredients for the dressing except canolia oil and olive oil.

2. Process the mixture with a hand blender until smooth.

3. Combine the two oils.  Add it into the tofu mixture in a small stream while belnding it.

4. Process it until the mixture is emulsified and becomes thickened.  Set the dressing aside.

5. Peel and core the apples.  Cut them into bite size.

6. Peel the carrot.  Cut it into matchstick size.

7.  In a large serving bowl, combine appples, carrots, cranberries, peacans, and poppy seeds.

8. Add the tofu dressing.

9. Genty stir until well combined.  Refrigerate it for at least 2 hours before serve.

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