Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Silky Fowl and Garlic Soup | 烏雞蒜頭湯

Silky fowl is considered most nutritious among other birds although its appearance may not as competitive.  I still remember I often refused to eat the soup when my mom made it just because it didn't look like a normal "chicken".

In fact, silky fowl tastes sweeter and more flavourful than other chickens and birds.

In Hong Kong, Silky fowl is common made into soup for nourishing our bodies in winter time, especially for people with infirmity.  It is also believed can improve skin after consuming it a period of time.

We don't cook silky fowl often because it is quite pricy here, but I will cook at least twice during the flu season to boost up our immunity.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy this recipe.


1   Silky Fowl, whole
1 head Garlic
150 gram Oyster Mushrooms
Salt to taste

1 隻   烏雞 (竹絲雞)
1 頭   蒜頭
150 克   蠔菇
調味   鹽


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