Thursday, April 30, 2020

Creamy Garlic Vegetable Dip | 蒜香美乃滋沾醬

6 tablespoons Mayonnaise, low fat
1 head Garlic, peeled and minced
1/4 cup Milk, 2%
1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
1 teaspoon Oregano, dried
 sprinkle of Sea Salt

6 湯匙  美乃滋,低脂
1 頭  蒜頭,去皮,磨蓉
1/4 杯  牛奶,2%
1 湯匙  芥末醬
1 茶匙  奧勒崗,乾燥
少撮  海鹽

1. Whisk all ingredients together until smooth and well combined.  Chill it before serving.

1. 把所有材料攪勻至幼滑。雪凍後才享用。

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