Monday, April 20, 2020

Roasted Beet Root and Blood Orange Salad | 紅菜頭血橙沙律

The other day I found some blood oranges at the supermarket. Without hesitation, I got a couple of them. They were sweet and beautiful. Adding them into a salad gave an exotic looking and certainly brought some colour to the ordinary green.

2 Blood Orange, medium
2 Beets, small
1/8 Red Onion
2 cups Baby Arugula

2 tablespoon Whole Grain Dijon Mustard
4 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 teaspoon White Vinegar
1 tablespoon Raw Honey
small pinch of Sea Salt

2 個  血橙,中型
2 個  紅菜頭,小型
1/8 個  紅洋蔥
2 杯  芝麻菜

2 湯匙  全粒芥末籽醬
4 湯匙  初榨橄欖油
1 茶匙  白醋
1 湯匙  純蜜糖
少撮  海鹽

1. Pre-heat an oven to 450F.  Clean beets with a brush; pat dry.  Wrap the beets with foil and roast the in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until they are soften.
(Roasting time vary.  It depends on the size of the beets)

2. Remove the skins of the blood oranges; cut the oranges into rounds or semi-circles; set aside.
3. Thinly slice the onion.
4. Arrange the vegetable ingredients on a serving plate.
5. In a mixing bowl, mix the dressing together until well blended, and then spoon it evenly over the vegetables.  Serve immediately.

1. 預熱焗爐至450F。擦洗紅菜頭、抹乾,用剔紙包好。放進焗爐烤若20分鐘或至其變軟身。

2. 切去橙皮;將橙切成圓片狀或半圓形。

3. 洋蔥切幼絲。

4. 蔬菜排盤。

5. 在一只碗內,把汁料拌勻;用匙把其平均舀上蔬菜上。即成。

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