Monday, April 20, 2020

Stir fried Fiddle Head in Butter Sauce

It is spring. It means the fiddle head are coming out. On one of the hike, we found an area where full of fiddle heads. We keep the place as our secret to protect the resource. When picking fiddle heads, look for the ones still close tightly. And you will never want to pick out the whole plant or the clean out the whole area, if you want to come back for the same spot every year.

Fiddle head is tender and sweet. It is the beast wild green I'd ever tasted, and it is still on the top of the favourite wild edible list among my family. Cooking fiddle head doesn't need to be complicated. Instead, the simplest, the better. However, blenching it prior is essential for getting rid of the bitter taste.

Hope you enjoy this spring recipe.

Look for the fiddle heads are still closing tightly. As they open up, they become poisonous and are no longer safe for eating. 

1-2 handfuls Fiddle Heads
2 tablespoons Butter
Salt to taste

1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add fiddle heads. Boil them for about 5 minutes. Drain well.

2. Heat up the butter. Add blenched fiddle heads. Fry until they are wilted; about 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

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