Monday, April 20, 2020

Wild Garlic and King Mushroom Stir fried

A few year ago, my family and I went for a hike and accidentally found a large patch of wild garlic. Although I call them wild garlic, they are not the type of wild garlic that with a single glossy board leaf. But they smell and taste just exactly like garlic. It was the distinct smell that had me found them back then. I believe the ones I discovered are actually domestic garlic. But somehow they grow and spread in the wild. So now, we come to pick these delicious wild garlic as our annual spring activity.

Treating these wild garlic as garlic shoots you can purchase at supermarket, you can stir fry and make soup with them.

2 handfuls Wild Garlic
4 King Mushrooms
1 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Chinese Cooking Rice Wine
3 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1. Cut the wild garlic into about 4 cm long; cut king mushrooms into small chunks.

2. Heat up oil over high heat. Add mushrooms and stir fry for 3 minutes.

3. Add wild garlic. Stir fry for about a minute.  Drizzle over the cooking wine. Add salt and sugar. Stir well. Turn off the heat.

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