Thursday, April 30, 2020

Baby Spinach and Pear Salad | 菠菜香梨沙律

2 cups Baby Spinach
1 Asian Pear
1/4 cup Walnuts, roasted
Drizzle of Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Agave Syrup (or honey)
Sea Salt to taste

2 杯  菠菜苗
1 個  啤梨
1/4 杯  合核,烤過
適量  橄欖油
1 湯匙  龍舌蘭蜜 (或蜜糖)
少撮  海鹽

1. All all ingredients in a large bowl.  Toss to combine and serve it immediately.

1. 在一只大碗內下所有材料。輕輕拌勻便可食用。

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