Thursday, April 16, 2020

Taro Sago in Coconut Milk 芋頭椰汁西米露

Taro is root vegetable, and many people have never thought of using it for dessert. Surprisingly, it pairs coconut milk amazingly well. It is one of the popular desserts in Hong Kong. Since sago is made of tapioca, it coagulates when it is cold. If you chill your dessert in the fridge, you will find it becomes sticker. Just try to stir in a little water to loosen it up when you reheat your dessert. For me, I find this dessert tastes best when it is lukewarm. I hope you enjoy this recipe.

1/3 Toro
1 cup Sago
3 cups Coconut Milk (I used Real THAI)
2 cups Water
Rock Sugar to taste
1/8 teaspoon of Salt

1. Cut off and discard the taro skin. Cut the taro into dices; set aside.

2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add sago, and boil it for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the remaining heat to cook it continuously for another 10 minutes. (Don't worry if you still see the white dots in the middle of the sago at this point)

3. Drain the sago; rinse it under running water until it is no longer like a cake. Set aside.

4. In a pot, add coconut milk, water, rock sugar and taro. Bring it to a boil over high heat and then cook it for another 10 minutes until the taro is slightly soften. (You don't want to over boil it or the taro will be too soft and break apart and make a gooey mess of the dessert)

5. When the taro is slightly soften (the rock sugar should be dissolved by now), add the cooked sago. Stir well. Bring the dessert back to a boil and it is done. Enjoy the dessert either hot or cold.

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