Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tomato, Potato and Beef Bone Soup | 蕃茄薯仔牛骨湯

Tomato, Potato and Beef Bone Soup

3-4 pcs Beef Bones, rinsed
6 Tomatoes
4 Potatoes
2 inch Ginger, sliced
7 cups  Water
1 teaspoon Sugar (optional)
Salt to taste

3-4 件  牛骨,沖淨
6 個  蕃茄
4 個  薯仔
2 吋  薑,切片
7 杯  水
1 茶匙  糖
鹽  調味

1. In a pot, add 7 cups of water, ginger, and beef bones.

1. 在一只湯鍋內,下7杯水、薑片、和牛骨。

2. Bring it to a boil.  Then, continue to boil for another 35 minutes over medium-high heat.

2. 水燒滾,然後用中大火繼續煮35分鐘。

3. Skim off the oil and foam on the surface every now and then.

3. 撇去浮起的油和泡。

4. Cut the tomatoes and potatoes into big chucks.

4. 薯仔蕃茄切大件。

5. Add potatoes and tomatoes into the bone broth.

5. 下薯仔蕃茄到牛骨湯。

6. Bring it back to a boil, and then continue to boil for another 20 minutes or until the potatoes soften.

6. 把湯再燒滾。繼續煮20分鐘或直至薯仔軟身。

7. Season it with salt to taste.

7. 下鹽調味。

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