Monday, March 2, 2020

Pan-fried Pomfret with Peach Sauce 蜜核煎倉魚

Crusty pan-fried fish with sweet and sour sauce. It is a classic flavour but with fruit instead of ketchup.

1 Pomfret, gutted
1 Canned Peach
1 tablespoon Cornstarch
2 tablespoon White Vinegar
Vegetable Oil (for frying)

1. Rub both sides and inside of the fish with a generous amount of salt; leave it for 15 minutes.

2. Heat up about 4 tablespoons vegetable oil over medium heat. Slide the fish onto the pan. Fry it until the skin is crispy; about 10 minutes. Turn the fish over and fry for another 10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, pour the canned peach in a small pot with the syrup. Add cornstarch and white vinegar. Heat it up over high heat. Once the peach is slightly heat through, remove them from the pot.

4. continuously boil the syrup until it is thick enough to your liking. Turn off the heat; set aside.

5. Transfer the cooked fish onto a serving plate. Top it with peaches. Pour the syrup over.  It is delicious to serve it with steamed rice.

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