Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Preserved Red Tofu Braised Pig Feet 南乳炆豬手

6 Pig Feet
12 Ginger slices
2 Preserved Red Tofu Cubes
1 tablespoon Chu Hou Paste
1 large Rock Sugar
1/2 cup Water
3 tablespoons Cooking Rice Wine
5 Star Ansies
3 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1/2 teaspoon Salt

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add half of the ginger slices and pig feet. Boil for 10 minutes over high heat. Drain and rinse the pig feet with cold water. Set aside.

2. In a pot, heat up oil. Add rock sugar, star anises, ginger, red tofu cubes, Chu you paste; fry until it is fragrant. Add pig feet.

3. Drizzle cooking wine and allow it to evaporate. Add water and salt. Put the lid on, reduce the heat to medium-low, and cook until the pig feet are tender; about 30 minutes. Add more water if necessary.   Test the tenderness by inserting a chopstick through the thick skin. Serve with steamed rice.

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