Monday, March 2, 2020

Stir fried Preserved Meat with Celtuce Stem 臘肉炒萵筍

Celtuce stem taste crunch and sweet. It is good to pair with preserved meat, or simply stir-fry it with garlic and chilli.

2 Celtuce Stems
1 pair Chinese Red Preserve Sausage
1 pair Chinese Black Preserved Sausage
1 block Preserved Pork Belly
2 tablespoon Rice Wine
1 tablespoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
4 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

The look of celtuce stem

1. Peel off the hard skin of the celtuce stems.

2. Cut it into 1 cm pieces diagonally. 

3. Cut the preserved meat into 1/2 cm pieces diagonally.

4. Heat up the vegetable oil over high heat.  Add the meat and celtuce stem. Stir fry until the meat is sizzling, about 8-10 minutes.

5. Drizzle the rice wine. Add sugar and salt. Continue to stir fry until the celtuce stem becomes half soften; about another 5-8 minutes.

6. Transfer it to a serving plate.

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