Monday, September 23, 2019

Healthy Shrimp Rice 營養蝦飯

12 Shrimps, shelled and deveined
2 Green onions, roughly chopped
1 cup Corn Kernels
2 Eggs
1/2 teaspoon White Pepper Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Sugar
1 tablespoon Garlic Powder
3 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
2 tablespoons Mayonnaise
4 bowls Cooked Rice


Easy Homemade Peach Tea 自製蜜桃茶

4 Peaches
5 Earl Grey Tea Bags
3 Litre Water
2/3 cup Sugar
2 sprigs Mint


Easy Steamed Egg and Tofu 香滑豆腐蒸水蛋

5 Eggs
1/4 cup Water
Soy Sauce (to serve)


Preserved Mustard Green with Octopus 咸酸菜炒八爪魚

1 Octopus, cut into bite size
2 heads Preserved Mustard Green
1 tablespoon White Pepper Powder
1 tablespoon Cornstarch
5 tablespoons Sugar
2 inches Ginger, peeled and sliced
3 tablespoons Vegetable Oil


Lime and Brown Sugar Glazed Chicken Wings 黑糖西檸雞翼

2 lbs Chicken Wings
2 Lime, juiced
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon White Pepper Powder
3 tablespoons Chinese Cooking Wine
Season with Salt


Mapo Dofu (Tofu) 麻婆豆腐

2 blocks Tofu
1.5 lbs Ground Pork
3 heap tablespoons Soy Bean Paste
4 tablespoons Water
2/3 teaspoon Salt
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 teaspoon Corn Starch
4 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
Green Onion (if prefer)


Weekday Sausage and Vegetable Soup 週日肉腸菜湯

1 bundle Swiss chard
3 Carrots
1/3 Celery
1 canned Chickpea
1 Onion
3-4 Sausage of your favourite
1.5 litre Chicken Broth
1.5 litre Water
1/2 teaspoon Dried Thyme
Salt and Pepper to taste


Guinness Beef Stew 黑啤燉牛肉

1.5 kg Beef Brisket (or any cut of your favourite)
4 cups Potatoes, chunked
4 Carrot, chunked
2 Onions, chunked
1 head Garlic, minced
1/3 cup Flour
1.5 Beef Stock
2 cans Guinness
1/4 cup Tomato Paste
2-3 Bay Leaves
1/2 teaspoons Dried Thyme
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil (for frying)
Salt and Pepper to taste


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lemony Lentil Soup

It is a wonderfully filling and delicious soup that can warm your body up in a cold weather.  It is something that I would make a big pot and bring it to work everyday for lunch.  I know the list of ingredients looks so long, but do not let that intimidates you.  Most of the items are just spices.  I hope you will enjoy this recipe.

1 cup Green Lentils, rinsed
1 Yellow Onion, peeled and chunked
2 Carrots, cut into bite size
2 Potatoes or green bananas, cut into bite size
1 Zucchini, cut into bite size
3 Tomatoes, cut into chunked
7-8 Garlic Cloves, peeled and minced
2 cups Canned Diced Tomatoes
1 cup Cilantro, roughly chopped
4 Limes, juiced (can be substitute for lemon)
4 cups Vegetable Broth
2 cups Water
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil (for frying)
1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
1 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Power
1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1-2 tablespoons Red Chili (optional)
Salt to taste

1. Heat up the oil over high heat.  Add onion and garlic.  Fry until they are fragrant; about 5 minutes.

2. Add lentils, zucchini, potato, tomato and carrot.  Stir fry for about 5-10 minutes.

3. Add diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, water and all the spices.  Bring it to a boil over high heat and then continuously cook for another 15 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat.  Add cilantro and lime juice.  Season the soup with salt to taste.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup | 烤葫蘆南瓜湯

Compare to the non-roasted version, roasted butternut squash instead brings a tremendous different in the flavour.  The caramelized s...