Thursday, May 14, 2020

Keto Chinese Stir-fried Mushroom and Tofu

20 Button Mushrooms
1 block Pressed Tofu
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
2 tablespoons Soy Sauce
1 tablespoon Chinese Cooking Rice Wine
4 tablespoons Coconut Oil

1. Cut mushrooms into slices. Cut press tofu into thin slices. 

2. Heat up coconut oil over high heat. Add tofu and mushroom. Fry for a minute. Drizzle cooking wine, soy sauce and cider vinegar.  Stir well. Turn off the heat. Serve immediately. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Korean Steamed Eggplant

2 Eggplants

4 Garlic Cloves, minced
2 tablespoons Fish Sauce
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce
2 teaspoons Sesame Oil
1 teaspoon Sesame Seeds
1 teaspoon Chilli Flakes

1. Pre-heat the steamer over high heat. Steam eggplants until they are softened, about 10 minutes. Allow them to cool off.

2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the sauce ingredients.

3. When the eggplants are cool enough to handle, peel them into thick slices. Gently mix them with the sauce with hand. Serve immediately.

Keto Chinese Chicken Soup with Soy

1 Whole Chicken
5 Shanghai Bok Choi
1 LItre Soy Milk, unsweetened
1 canned Chicken Broth
2 teaspoons Salt
Chili Flake (to serve)

1. In a large pot, add chicken. Pour in soy milk and chicken broth. Bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Then, continue to boil over medium heat for an hour. Skim off the foam on the surface regularly.

2. Add salt to taste. Stir well. Turn off the heat. Remove all the bone before servIng, if prefer. Sprinkle some chili flake for extra flavour. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Keto Creamy Kale Salad

Not being able to go out much during the pandemic, I’ve certainly gained Some weight. No kidding. So I started the keto diet, hoping to lose some of the extra weight and regain my Body shape. This salad is one of the recipes I enjoyed eating. It’s high fat and super low carb.

1/3 bundle Kale, leaves only
1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds

1/3 cup Mayonnaise
5 tablespoons Milk
1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
Pinch of ground black pepper and salt

1. Tear the kale leaves into bite size.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients. Add kale, mix until the kale is coated with the dressing. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds over before serving. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wild edible - Stir-fried Wild Onion and Pork Belly

Every year, my family will go to forage wild onion in the early May. They grow among the river like grass, but with distinctive onion and garlicky scent. You can substitute the wild onion for leeks to make this dish.

The look of wild onion

1 bundle off Wild Onion
250 gram Pork Belly
1 tablespoon Chinese Cooking Rice Wine
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce
1/4 taking Salt
1 tablespoon Sugar
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1. Cut the pork belong into 1/2 cm slices. Cut the wild onion into sticks. 

2. Heat up vegetable oil over high heat. Add pork belly. Stir fry until it turns colour; about 2 minutes.

3. Drizzle cooking wine and soy sauce. Add sugar and salt. Stir fry untilThe pork belly is nearly cooked, about 3 minutes.

4. Add wild onion. Continue to fry until it is wilted. Turn off the heat and transfer it to a serving plate. 

Garlicky Wintercress Bud Salad

In early May, the wintercress starts to come out and forms flower buds. The wintercress is very tender at this time of the year. If you want to get rid of the bitterness, blanch it in water for about 3 minutes.

The look of wintercress

1-2 handfuls Wintercresses
3 Garlic Clove
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce
4 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1. Peel the garlic. Chop it into fine pieces.

2. Bring a pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add wintercresses. Boil until they are soften; about 2-3 minutes.  Drain and transfer them onto the serving plate.

3. Top the chopped garlic on the wintercresses.

4. Heat up the vegetable oil. Drizzle over the garlic to make it fragrant.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup | 烤葫蘆南瓜湯

Compare to the non-roasted version, roasted butternut squash instead brings a tremendous different in the flavour.  The caramelized s...