Thursday, September 6, 2018

Konnyaku and Enoki Salad with Sweet Miso Dressing | 蒟蒻金菇湯律味噌汁

Konnyaku is made of konjac, a type of yam that is high in dietary fibre with nearly zero cholesterol.  Konnyaku has little taste and it has a jiggly texture like jello.  You can usually see konnyaku in white or grey colour like the one in the photo below.  The white one is the original flavour and the grey one is added with seaweed.  My family found the seaweed version more delicious so I usually just buy the grey one.

Enoki mushrooms taste sweet when eaten raw; it pairs so well with the umami flavour of the miso dressing.  This miso dressing can go well with many leafy greens so please feel free to substitute the rest of the ingredients for other vegetables on hand.

INGREDIENTS: 4 servings
1 pack Konnyaku
2 packs Enoki Mushrooms
2 Heirloom Carrots, peeled, cut into sticks
8 Cherry Tomatoes
1/2 Green Lettuce, rinsed and torn into bite size
2 Mini Cucumber, cut into bite size
1 bunch Coriander, leaves only, roughly chopped

3 tablespoon White Sesame, toasted and slightly ground
2 tablespoons Miso Paste
2 tablespoon Rice Vinegar
1 tablespoon Sesame Oil
1 tablespoon Sugar

1 塊  蒟蒻
2 束  金菇
2 條  蘿蔔,去皮,切條
8 粒  車厘茄
1/2 棵  生菜,洗淨,撕成小塊
2 條  小黃瓜,切大粒
1 束  莞茜,葉部份,切碎

3 湯匙  白芝麻,烤香,磨碎
2 湯匙  味噌
2 湯匙  米醋
1 湯匙  芝麻油
1 湯匙  糖

1. Bring a small pot of water and a teaspoon of salt to a boil.  Add konnyaku and boil it for 2 minutes; drain well.  Cut the konnyaku into bite size; set them aside.

2. Cut off and discard the root of the enoki mushrooms.  Cut the enoki mushrooms in half.

3. In a mixing bowl, add all salad ingredients and toss them to combine.

4. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients until it is smooth.  Drizzle it over the salad green before serving it.

1. 燒熱一小鍋水和一茶匙鹽。下蒟蒻,煮若2分鐘;取出,切成小粒,備用。

2. 切去金菇底部;把金菇切成兩半。

3. 在一只大碗內,加入所有沙律材料;拌勻。

4. 在另一只小碗內,加入所有沙律汁材料;拌至幼滑。淋上沙律食用。

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