Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Stir-fried Radish Greens | 蒜香蘿蔔葉

Every Wednesday I will go to visit the farmers' market outside City Hall.  It is a place for the city folks like me to purchase some local vegetables and fruits during the busy week.  I often look for the golden beets, heirloom carrots, and sweet corn.

Yesterday when I was passing a vegetable stand, I saw a lady who was purchasing a big bundle of radishes.  She told the stand-keeper to snap off the greens and just took the radishes with her.  Then, the radish top greens were tossed into a big box under the table.  "What a waste!" I thought to myself.  So I approached the stand-keeper and asked if she would like to give the radish greens to me.

"You have a rabbit?" she asked curiously.
"No, no, no!" I laughed. "It is for myself." I explained.
Then, I told her how I usually prepare radish greens and what they taste like.  She looked very interested and said she recalled a chef who was using radish greens in a cooking show she watched on TV.  She gave me a big bundle of the greens and I made it the side dish for dinner.

Radish greens are actually more nutritious than the radishes, and eating them raw can be even better for our body.  So next time when we purchase radishes or beets, remember to save the green tops.

1 bunch Radish Leaves
5 Garlic Cloves, peeled and smashed
1 tablespoon Shaoxing Cooking Wine
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1/3 teaspoon Salt

1 束  蘿蔔葉
5 瓣  蒜頭,去皮,拍扁
1 湯匙  紹興廚酒
2 湯匙  菜油
1/3 茶匙  鹽

1. In a wok, heat up vegetable oil with the garlic cloves over high heat, until the garlic is fragrant.

2. Add radish greens and stir fry until they start to wilt; about 2 minutes.  Add shaoxing wine and season it with salt.  Continue to stir fry for another minute.  Remove it from the heat and serve when it is warm.

1. 在鍋內加入菜油和蒜頭,用大火燒至蒜香四溢。

2. 下蘿蔔葉,炒至其開始變軟;若2分鐘。下紹興酒和鹽調味,繼續多炒1分鐘。離火,趁熱享用。

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