Friday, August 24, 2018

Seasonal Peach and Ginger Vinaigrette | 蜜桃薑沙拉醬汁

When you have some overly ripe peaches, this salad dressing will be a good idea to use them up.  You can always taste the peaches before adding agave syrup so that you can have a better control of the sweetness.  This dressing is best to go with bitter greens such as kale, arugula, and spinach.

1 Peach, pitted
Salad Green
Thumb size of Ginger, fresh, peeled
3 tablespoons Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Agave Syrup
1 tablespoon White Vinegar
1 teaspoon Poppy Seeds
Small pinch of Sea Salt

1 個  桃,去核
一節  薑,去皮
3 湯匙  橄欖油
1 湯匙  龍舌蘭蜜
1 湯匙  白醋
1 茶匙  罌粟籽
少撮  海鹽


1. In a blender, add all ingredients.  Process until the mixture until it becomes smooth.  Drizzle on the salad before serving.

1. 在攪拌器內加入所有材料,攪拌直至其變成汁料。

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