Friday, April 20, 2018

Steamed Spare Ribs with Fermented Black Bean and Garlic |豉汁蒸排骨

Whenever I make this dish, it reminds me how my mom worked around the kitchen when I was a child.  My mom is tiny, but she used to own a big cleaver and a chopping block that you can find at the traditional butcher shop.  She would show me how to smash the garlic with the cleaver to remove its skin, and how she minced the garlic and fermented black beans with the big cleaver with a lightning fast motion.  It was just so entertaining to watch her.  The whole family loves her ribs and we would even drizzle the sauce over our bowl of steamed rice to enjoy the flavour.

In this recipe, I didn't add any salt or soy sauce since the fermented black beans are salty.

2 long Spare Ribs, about 2 pounds
2 tablespoons Fermented Black Bean
6-8 Garlic Cloves, peeled
2 tablespoons Chinese Cooking Rice Wine
1 tablespoon Sugar
1 teaspoon Corn Starch
1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil

2 條  腓排骨,若2磅
2 湯匙  豆豉
6-8 粒  蒜頭
2 湯匙  米酒
1 湯匙  糖
1 茶匙  粟粉
1 湯匙  菜油

1. Preheat the steamer on high heat.

2. Rinse the spare ribs; pat dry.  Place them in a dish that is for steaming.

3. Rinse the black beans a few times; drain.  Finely dice them with the garlic.  Add the mixture into the ribs.

4. Add the rest of the ingredients into the ribs; mix it until well combined.  Cover the dish with foil.

5. Place the dish in the steamer.  Steam it over high heat for about 20 minutes.  Best served with steamed rice.

1. 預熱蒸鍋。

2. 排骨洗淨,抹乾,放在蒸煮用的碟上。

3. 沖洗豆豉數次;將其與蒜頭一同剁碎。加入排骨內。

4. 加入剩餘所有材料到排骨中;拌勻。用錫紙把碟包好。

5. 放進蒸鍋內,以大火蒸約20 分鐘。

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