Friday, April 20, 2018

Honey Oatmeal Quick Bread | 蜂蜜燕麥無酵母麵包

I often make a big batch of pancakes, muffins, or granola for our breakfast that is enough to last for the whole week.  Since I was so busy, I didn't continue this practice for quite awhile.  My son began to complain about it.  Well, he sounds a little spoiled here, but I am glad at the same time that he likes my cooking so much.

Usually my son doesn't pay much attention on what flavour of quick bread I make because I just bake often enough that he has the rotation.  But this time, after months of just munching on the store-bought cheerios, he said he had something to say.  "I want cinnamon and pumpkin," he suggested.  We negotiated and talked about the flavour of four seasons, and finally we both settled on the honey and cinnamon flavour for spring.

It is only a little piece of our funny story.  I hope you enjoy the recipe.

Honey Oatmeal Quick Bread

3 Eggs, large, beaten
1/3 cup Milk
1/4 cup Butter, melted
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
1/2 cup Raw Honey

2.75 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tablespoon Cinnamon, ground
1.5 tablespoons Baking Powder
pinch of Salt

3 隻  大雞蛋,打勻
1/3 杯  牛奶
1/4 杯  牛油,熱溶
1/4 杯  菜油
1/2 杯  蜂蜜

2.75 杯  全麥麵粉
1 湯匙  肉桂粉
1.5 湯匙  泡發粉
少撮  鹽

1. Preheat the oven to 360F.

2. In a large mixing bowl, add all the wet ingredients; mix well.

3. Add the dry ingredients. With a spatula, gently mix until it is totally incorporated and becomes a sticky batter.

4. Pour the batter in a baking tray that is lined with parchment paper.  Transfer it to the oven.  Bake it for about 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the batter.

5. To test the doneness insert a toothpick into the bread.  It is ready if the toothpick comes out not sticky.  Allow the quick bread to totally cool before slicing it to prevent it from breaking apart.

1. 預熱焗爐至360F。

2. 在一只大碗內,加入所有濕材料;拌勻。

3. 倒入所有乾材料;拌勻至濃稠麵糊。

4. 焗盤舖上焗熱;倒上麵糊。 放入焗爐;焗約30-40 分鐘,在乎麵糊厚度而定。

5. 要看麵包焗好沒有,把一支牙簽插入麵包。如取出牙簽沒有麵糊黏任做成。把麵包完全放涼後才切件,避免散開。

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