Friday, April 20, 2018

Creamy Spinach with Tofu on Rice | 忌廉菠菜豆腐飯

This flavourful vegetarian dish is inspired by the Indian dish "saag paneer".  Instead of saag cheese, I used firm tofu here.  It is the healthiest and simplest plate for dinner on a weekday.

1 package Extra Firm Tofu
8 cups Spinach (not baby spinach), rinsed
4 Garlic Cloves, roughly chopped
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt, plain
3 tablespoons Curry Powder
2 teaspoon Turmeric
1 tablespoon Cumin Powder
1 teaspoon Ground Ginger Powder
3 tablespoons Water
3/4 teaspoon Salt
5 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1 磚  硬豆腐
8 杯  菠菜,洗淨
4 瓣  蒜頭,切粒
1/2 杯  希臘乳酪,純味
3 湯匙  咖哩粉
2 茶匙 薑黃粉
1 湯匙  小茴香粉
1 茶匙  薑粉
3 湯匙  水
3/4 茶匙  鹽
5 湯匙  菜油

1. Put firm tofu between two plates.  Place a heavy object on top for about 20 minutes; discard the excess water and dry the tofu with paper towel.  Cut the tofu into big cubes.

1. 置豆腐於兩只碟中間;放上重物把多餘水份壓出。若20分鐘。用廚紙印乾豆腐,把其切成方塊。

2. Heat up 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat.  Add chopped garlic and tofu cubes.  Patiently fry until all sides of the tofu turn a golden colour.  Remove the garlic from the pan if it starts to burn; reserve the garlic.  Set tofu aside.

2. 在易潔鑊中倒入兩湯匙油;用中火燒熱。下蒜蓉和豆腐粒;慢慢將豆腐煎至金黃。如蒜粒開如變焦,將其上鑊留起備用。煎好豆腐離火備用。

3. In a clean pot, combine yogurt, turmeric, curry powder, cumin, ginger powder, salt, and 3 tablespoons of water.  Stir well.  

3. 在一只深鍋內,倒入乳酪、薑黃粉、咖哩粉、小茴香粉、薑粉、鹽和好湯匙水。拌勻。

4.Add spinach.  Turn on the heat to medium-high and cook until the spinach is cooked through and becomes totally soft.  Turn off the heat.

4. 下菠菜;把火調至中大火,繼續煮至菠菜變軟。關火。

5. Process the mixture with a processor or a blender.  You will want to be easy on the processing time; otherwise, it will result in creamy spinach soup.

5. 用攪拌器把菠菜打至稍為爛身。切勿攪拌過度成了菠菜湯啊!

6. Turn the heat back on to medium.  Add the tofu and fried garlic to the spinach mixture; mix it gently.  Remove the pot from the heat.

6. 把火重開至中火;豆腐回鍋。輕輕拌勻,煮至豆腐回暖便可上桌。

7. Serve it immediately over a plate of steamed rice.

7. 趁熱碗上白飯便是美味~

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