Thursday, December 7, 2017

Honey Garlic Pork Chop | 蜜糖蒜香豬扒

Honey Garlic Ginger Pork Chop

5 Pork Chops
3 tablespoons Honey
1 head Garlic, minced
1/4 cup Ginger, chopped
1 tablespoon Sugar
2 tablespoons Rice Wine
1.5 tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce
1.5 tablespoons Corn Starch
1/4 teaspoon Salt

5 塊   豬扒
3 湯匙   蜜糖
1 整棵   蒜頭
1/4 杯   薑粒
1 湯匙   白砂糖
2 湯匙   米酒
1.5 湯匙   老抽
1.5 湯匙   栗粉
1/4 茶匙 鹽


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