Friday, March 15, 2019

Snow Fungus and Papaya Soup |雪耳木瓜素湯

1 Papaya
1/2 cup Peanut, raw
2 Snow Fungus, dried
1/2 cup Hyacinth Beans, dried
3 pcs Chinese Honey Dates
7 cups Water
Salt to taste

1 個  木瓜
1/2 杯  生花生
2 個  雪耳,乾
1/2 杯  扁豆,烤
3 粒  蜜棗
7 杯  水
鹽  調味

1. Halve the papaya; scoop out the seeds with a spoon.  Cut out the peel and cut the papaya into chunks.

2. Rehydrate the snow fungus in water.  Cut off the hard yellow stems.  Divide the fungus into smaller portions.

3. In a large pot, add peanuts, hyacinth beans, honey dates, and water.  Bring it to a boil over high heat.  Then, reduced the heat to medium-high and boil it for 40 minutes.  Add more water if needed.

4. Add papaya and snow fungus.  Continuously boil for another 30 minutes.  Turn off the heat.  Season the soup with salt before serve.

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