Saturday, March 30, 2019

Tofu Miso Soup |豆腐味噌湯

INGREDIENTS: 4 servings
5 tablespoons Red Miso Paste
5 cups Water
1 block Silken Tofu
1/3 White Onion, thinly sliced
4 stalks Baby Shanghai Bok Choy, quartered
2 stalks Green Onion, cut into small rounds

5 湯匙  紅味噌
5 杯 水
1 磚  滑豆腐
1/3 個  白洋蔥,切幼絲
2 條  青蔥,切粒
4 棵  上海白菜苗,切4份

1. Bring the water to a boil.  Slowly stir in the miso paste until it is totally incorporated.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients into the soup.  Bring it back to a boil and until the bok choy is thoroughly cooked.  Serve immediately.

1. 燒熱5杯水,慢慢拌入味噌。

2. 加入所有剩餘材料,把湯再燒至翻滾,或至白菜熟透。上桌。

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