Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Roasted Mini Potato with Cilantro Lime Sauce | 青檸汁焗薯

This flavour of these potatoes will probably remind you a little of Thai cuisine because of the cilantro, lime and fish sauce.  My husband and I love what this exotic flavour brings to the humble potatoes.  This recipe is even tastier when it is spicy, but my husband and my son can't handle heat so I omitted the chili here. If you enjoy spicy, just add chopped chilis into the dressing.

15-20 Mini Potatoes
Vegetable Oil
Salt and Pepper

2 tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Lime of zest and juice
1/4 cup Cilantro, stems and leaves, finely chopped
3 Garlic Cloves, peeled, finely chopped
2 tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 tablespoon Fish Sauce

15-20 迷你薯仔

2 湯匙  橄欖油
1 個  青檸,刨皮和榨汁留用
1/4 杯  莞茜,莖和葉,切碎
3 瓣  蒜頭,去皮,切碎
2 湯匙  啡糖
1 湯匙  魚露

1. Add the potatoes in a mixing bowl.  Season them with salt and pepper and a drizzle of vegetable oil. Mix well.

1. 在一只碗內加入薯仔,下鹽、黑胡椒和少量菜油調味;拌勻。

2. Pour the potatoes onto a foiled roasting pan without crowding them.  Roast them in the pre-heated oven at 400F for about 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the potatoes.

2. 薯仔倒上已舖好錫紙的焗盤上。放入已預熱至400F 的焗爐烤若20-25分鐘,似乎薯仔的大小而定。

3. Meanwhile, combine all dressing ingredients in a bowl; whisk it together until the brown sugar is dissolved.  Set it aside.

3. 同時間,在另一只碗內加入所有汁料材料;拌勻靜置。

4. When the potatoes are roasted until slightly brown and soft, remove them from the oven and add them into the dressing immediately.  Mix to coat the potatoes with the dressing.  Serve.

4. 當薯仔焗至微金黃和軟身,從焗爐取出。倒入汁料,小心拌勻;上桌。

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