Thursday, August 2, 2018

Oven Roasted Sweet Corn with Cilantro Parmesan Dressing |焗甜粟米配莞茜帕馬森乾酪醬

Farmers' markets have been featuring Ontario corns lately.  They are so sweet and juicy that the kernels just burst in the mouth.  I heard about GMO and know about it, but we won't touch on that topic today.  Today, we are talking about how to cook the sweet corn other than just boiling or throwing it on the barbecue.

Many people love barbecue corn, us too! Though sometimes we can get pretty lazy to think of turning on the barbecue, especially on a hot day after work.  What about roasting corn in an oven? Although the flavour of this oven roasted corn is not as good as the barbecue, the texture is just as perfect.  Since it takes nearly half an hour to roast in the oven, you can even go take a shower in the mean time.

I added cilantro and parmesan cheese here to bring some new flavour to our dining table.  If you simply want to enjoy the sweet corn, just skip the dressing and season the corn with sea salt.

4 ears Corn, husked and removed silks
1/3 cup Butter, soften
A handful of Cilantro, leaves and stems, finely chopped
1 teaspoon Paprika
2 tablespoons Parmesan Cheese Powder

4 條  粟米,去皮
1/3 杯  牛油,室溫
1小束  莞茜,葉和莖,切碎
1 茶匙  甜紅椒粉
2 湯匙  帕馬森乾酪粉

1. Pre-heat the oven to 400F.  Brush a layer of butter on each corn and then lay them on a foiled roasting pan.

1. 預熱焗爐至400F。在粟米上平均擦上一層牛油;把粟米一字排好在已舖好錫紙的焗盤上。

2. Roast them in the oven until slightly brown; about 25 minutes.

2. 把粟米焗至微金黃;若25 分鐘。

3. Meanwhile, combine the rest of the ingredients with the remaining butter; mix well.  Set it aside.

3. 同時間,在一只碗內加入所有剩餘材料和剩下的牛油;拌勻靜置。

4. When the corn is ready, remove it from the oven and brush a generous amount of butter mixture on each corn.  Serve immediately.

4. 當粟米焗好後,趁熱擦上牛油汁料;上桌。

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