Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dace Fish Pork Bone Soup | 陵魚豬骨湯

This soup is commonly made during the summer time, when the weather is humid and hot and we feel lethargic.  We believe that the humidity brings tiredness to our body and this soup can help replenish our energy.

The dace fish is absolutely tasty.  You can surely still taste the sweetness in it after the long period of cooking.  Though be careful of the fine bones hidden inside.

1 Dace Fish, descaled, rinsed
4-6 Pork Bones, rinsed
1/4 cup Chixiaodou
1/4 cup Biandou
8 cups Water
Salt to taste

1 條 鯪魚
4-6 塊 豬骨
1/4 杯  赤小豆
1/4 杯  扁豆
8 杯  水
鹽  調味

1. In the soup pot, combine pork bones, chixiaodou, biandou, and water.  Bring it to a boil, and then continue to boil over medium-high over about 30 minutes.

2. Add dace fish; boil another 30 minutes.  Season with salt to taste. Turn off the heat.

1. 在一只湯鍋內加入豬骨、赤小豆、扁豆和水。用大火煮滾,再用中大火煮30分鐘。

2. 下陵魚;繼續煮30分鐘。下鹽調味;關火。

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