Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Basil Baked Polenta | 香焗九層塔玉米糕

Polenta is made of cornmeal and is in porridge form when cooked.  Once it cools, it will solidify and it can be used for frying, grilling and baking.

If you want a change from roasted potato for a side dish, a light baked polenta is a good choice. My family likes polenta that is baked until very crispy outside and still soft inside.  Sometimes we serve it with a dash of sweet paprika, and sometimes we eat them with ketchup as if you are eating French fries.  Today, I bought a big bunch of fresh basil at the Farmers' market. So I decided to use it to flavour the polenta.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy this recipe.

1 tube Polenta (I used Aurora Polenta)
1/2 cup Basil, Fresh
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
Salt to taste

1 條  玉米糕
1/2 杯  九層塔,新鮮
1/4 杯  菜油
鹽  調味

1. Roughly chop the basil leaves; add them into the vegetable oil. Add salt; mix well.

1. 九層塔切碎,加入菜油和鹽;拌勻。

2. Cut the polenta into 2 cm rounds.

2. 玉米糕切成2厘米厚塊

3. Coat the polenta with the basil oil mixture.  Line them on parchment paper without over lapping them.

3. 把每塊玉米糕沾上九層塔油,把其排在已舖好焗紙的盤上。

4. Bake at 400F for about 25 minutes, or until the outer layers are crispy.

4. 用400F焗若25分鐘,或至外層香脆。

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