Sunday, February 18, 2018

Chocolate Cookie Pie | 巧克力曲奇派

I made this pie as a Valentine's surprise for my husband and my son.  This dessert looks so impressive and it is easy to make.  Basically, you just need to mix all ingredients together and pour the mixture into a big pan.  It is even more convenient than making cookies.

You can substitute the cashews for any types of nuts or seeds you enjoy, or go without them.  When the pie comes out from the oven, it will feel relatively soft, but it will firm up when it cools.
One thing I like about this pie is that it has the crispy cookie texture for the topping but it contains a cake texture underneath.
I hope you will enjoy this recipe.  Happy Valentine's Day.

Chocolate Cookie Pie | 巧克力曲奇派

1 cup Butter, softened
1 cup Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
2 tablespoons Vanilla Extract
2 cups All Purpose Flour
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 cup Raw Cashews
1 cup Chocolate Chips, semi-sweet
2 tablespoons Baking Powder
pinch of Sea Salt

1 杯  牛油,放軟
1 杯  黃糖
2 隻  雞蛋
2 湯匙  雲呢拿香油
2 杯  多用途麵粉
1 杯  全麥麵粉
1/2 杯  生腰果
1 杯  巧克力粒
2 湯匙  泡打粉

1. Beat the butter, brown sugar, and salt together until well incorporated.

2. Add eggs, vanilla extract; mix well.

3. Add the remaining ingredients into the bowl.  Mix and form it into a dough.

4. Transfer the dough into a heat-proof container and flatten the dough with a spatula.

5. Bake it at 350F for about 25-30 minutes, or until it is golden brown and crispy.

One thing to note about this recipe is that the baking time can be 10-20 minutes different depending on the thickness of the dough.  I flattened my dough into 2 cm thick and it took me 30 minutes baking time.

1. 把牛油、糖和鹽加入大碗;用攪拌器拌勻。

2. 加入雞蛋和雲呢拿油;拌勻。

3. 加入剩餘材料;拌勻並捏成麵糰。

4. 糰糰放入派盤壓平。

5. 用350F焗若25-30分鐘,或至表面金黃。


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