Friday, February 23, 2018

Soy Sauce Braised Black Bean | 鹵黑豆

Braised black bean is a great side dish, and my family most likes to enjoy it with a bowl of warm steamed rice.

Making braised black bean is very straightforward and real simple.  The only thing it requires is patience. (My husband laughed when I said it to him because he knows just how little patience I have.  Though, I do have lots of patience when it comes to cooking).

Make sure to use good quality soy sauce and black beans in this recipe since they are the main ingredients to determine the flavour.  To keep the gorgeous black colour of the beans, some people suggest to use cast iron or put a piece of iron in the pot during cooking.  However, I never cook the beans with iron and they are just as beautiful.

I hope you will enjoy this recipe.

Soy Sauce Braised Black Bean

Black Beans, dried

4 Star Anises
2 Cinnamon Sticks
1/2 cup Light Soy Sauce
1 cup Brown Sugar
5 cups Water, plus more through the cooking process


4 粒  八角
2 支  肉桂條
1/2 杯  淡豉油
1 杯  黑糖
5 杯  水,可加多一些

1. Prior to cooking, soak the black beans in water for at least 3 hours; rinse and drain the beans.

2. In a pot, combine all the ingredients along the beans.  Mix it well.  Bring the mixture to a boil, cover the lid, and then simmer the mixture for another 15 minutes.  Turn off the heat.  Leave the mixture in the pot overnight.

3. The next day, stir the mixture and then bring it to a boil again.  Then, reduce the heat to a simmer and continuously cook the beans for 15 minutes.  Cover the lid and leave the mixture to cool in the pot.

4. Repeat this boil-and-cool process for seven times, or until the beans are soft enough to chew on and the marinade becomes sticky.  Store the beans in an air-tight container in the fridge and it can kept up to three months.

1. 用水浸黑豆3小時;倒掉水,沖淨。

2. 在深鍋內加入所有材料;拌勻。用大火煲滾。蓋上鍋蓋,再以小火煮15分鐘。離火;讓黑豆浸過夜。

3. 第二日,以豆用大火翻滾。轉小火,再煮15分鐘。蓋上鍋蓋,由黑豆放涼。

4. 重覆此步驟七次,或直至黑豆變得軟身和汁變滾調。將豆倒入密封玻璃器皿並存放至雪櫃;可保存最少3個月。

My son was telling me how much he enjoyed eating these black beans.

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