Monday, January 14, 2019

Maple Glazed Acorn Squash | 香焗楓糖橡實瓜

A few years back when I first brought this maple glazed acorn squash to a thanksgiving dinner, everyone loved it.  Since then, it's become one of the signature dishes I would bring to the family, both on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This gorgeous looking dish is very easy to make and it doesn't require many ingredients.  You can substitute the cranberries for any another types of dried fruit, like raisins or apricots.  In the past, I'd used almonds and walnuts in this dish, but this year I used hazelnuts and I found it was the best pairing among all.
I hope you will give this recipe a try.  Thanks for stopping by.

3 Acorn Squash
1/2 cup Hazelnut
1/2 cup Cranberry, dried
1/3 cup Butter, melted
1/4 cup Maple Syrup (the real one)
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Sea Salt

1. Cut the acorn squash lengthwise.  Scoop out and discard the seeds.

2. Cut the acorn squash into 1 cm pieces.  Set them aside.

3. In a bowl, combine butter, maple syrup, brown sugar, and salt; stir well.

4. Dip each squash piece into the butter mixture (brush it if needed).  Make sure the squash are well coated with butter.  Save the remaining butter mixture.

5. Lay the squash on a foiled tray without overlapping them.

6. Roast them in the pre-heated oven at 420F for about 10 minutes.  Take the tray out.  Flip the squash pieces over with tongs, and continuously roast them for another 10 minutes.

7. The acorn squash should be caramelized and the skin should be really soft.  Gently remove them from the tray onto the serving dish.  Reduce the oven temperature to 360F.

8. In a small bowl, mix the remaining butter mixture with the hazelnuts.

9. Pour the mixture onto the foil tray.  Then, roast the hazelnuts in the oven until they are fragrant and crispy; about 15 minutes.

10. Scatter the hazelnuts onto the acorn squash, followed by the cranberry.  They will be a wonderful side dish for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy this recipe.

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