Friday, October 12, 2018

Arrowroot Pork Bone Soup |赤小豆粉葛豬骨湯

Many people think all Chinese eat soup.  In fact, soup is quite unique in our Canton culture that can be found in Southern China and Hong Kong.  We use lots of ingredients to make soup, and we don't mind spending hours to make a pot of good soup.  Because we believe soup is important nourishment for our body.

The natural sweetness of the arrowroot makes this soup very flavourful and helps quench the thirst.  So I make it very often, particularly during the summer months.  To speed up the cooking process, I like to cut the arrowroot into bite size to allow the flavour to come out more easily.

1 pc Arrow Root, peeled, cubed
6 pcs Pork Bones
8 cups Water
1/3 cup Chixiaodou, rinsed
1/3 cup White Hyacinth Bean, rinsed
Salt to taste

1 條  粉葛,去皮,切粒
6 件  豬骨
8 杯  水
1/3 杯 赤小豆,沖淨
1/3 杯  扁豆,沖淨

1. In a soup pot, add all the ingredients except salt .  Bring it to a boil over high heat.  Then reduce the heat to medium-high.  Continue to boil for another hour; add more water if needed.  Season the soup with salt to taste.

1. 在一只大湯鍋內,加入所有材料 (除卻鹽)。用大火燒滾,再轉中大火煮若一小時。如水太少,可中途加水。最後下鹽調味。

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