Saturday, June 16, 2018

Stir fried Egg with Preserved Radish | 菜脯炒蛋

Preserved radish is a common ingredient in Hong Kong.  We often use it in stir fry eggs or pork, or serve it as a side dish with plain congee.

Making preserved radish requires two main simple steps.  Rubbing salt on the radishes and laying them under the hot sun to dry during the day, and storing them away at night.  This process needs to repeat for at least two weeks before they are stored in a sealed container for another three months.  The preserved radishes we normally see in the market are golden colour to slight brown; they are fresh preserved radishes.  However, the preserved radishes that are stored up to ten years are black in colour, and the ones over twenty years will release black oil, which some people believe has a medical purpose and cherish it a whole lot.

My friend knows my husband and I like preserved radish.  So when she saw that there were such good quality ones for sale at the market, she bought me some.  They smelled so fragrant.  I wanted to use that to stir fry pork belly, but we are on a diet right now so I scrambled eggs with them instead.

8 Eggs, large, beaten
2 pieces Preserved radishes, rinse off the salt
3 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

8 隻  雞蛋,大,打勻
2 條  菜脯,沖淨鹽份
3 湯匙  菜油

1. Cut the preserved radishes into fine pieces.  Add them in a pan with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.  Sauté them over high heat until fragrant; remove them from the pan.

2. Add the rest of the oil in the same pan.  Add beaten egg and scramble it until half set.  Add the preserved radish back to the pan and continue to cook until they mix evenly.  Serve immediately.

1. 菜脯切成幼粒。在一只鑊中加入一湯匙油和茶脯,大火炒至其香氣四溢;盛起備用。

2. 在同一鑊中下剩餘的油。倒入雞蛋,快炒至半凝固。菜脯回鑊,與蛋炒至均勻;上桌。

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