Thursday, June 14, 2018

Basic Whole Wheat Waffle | 基本全麥窩夫做法

Having planned to buy a waffle machine for a while, I finally found one on sale on Amazon, although it wasn't the Belgian waffle style I originally looked for.  It was okay.  The waffles still made my husband and my son so happy.

The waffle batter is very similar to the pancake one, but the waffle batter doesn't have milk and is slightly thicker.  Since I don't need to stand at the stove and wait to flip them, I would say making waffles are much less work than making pancakes.

It was a very nice day with blue sky and breezes.  We'd planned to go on a hike on the bruce trail near Milton.  But my son was throwing a big fit for a long time just because he did not want to brush his teeth.  After things settled, it was already too late to go.  He was so upset.

Luckily the next day also had fine weather, so we decided to go to the park nearby to fly a kite.  My son was beyond excited (because before I told him the consequence for his fit yesterday was staying home).  He didn't expect he could fly a kite.  But he apologized and behaved very well afterward.  He got changed at his highest speed and grabbed bubbles and a football to go with him.

I never knew that my husband was really good at flying a kite.  It seems that when he threw the kite, it automatically climbed up to the sky.  My son laughed loudly in excitement.  He kept running left to right along the wind as my husband told, and let the string go loose.  The kite became a small dot in the blue sky.  I was watching them while resting on a bench.  It was nice to just sit and enjoy the sun. It was all I needed after the whole week of hard work.

Yesterday I spent lots of time finally cleaning up our garden. I planted radishes, carrots, and potatoes and my husband helped me set up the nice flower planter.  My son picked this yellow cactus to add to our garden; he said yellow is his favourite colour and cactus is one of his favourite plant.  My son always has so many favourites of something.  But the cactus indeed looked special so I also got a pink one for my mother in-law as a belated Mother's Day gift.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy this little story and the waffle recipe.

2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
pinch of Sea Salt
2 tablespoons Vanilla Extract
2 Eggs
1/3 cup Butter, melted

1. In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

2. In a separate bowl, beat together the rest of the ingredients.  Then, add in the flour mixture; mix well until it becomes smooth batter.

3. Preheat the waffle machine and set it to medium-high heat.  Add two spoonfuls of batter and cook until it is well set and slightly crispy.  Serve it with maple syrup.

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