Friday, November 22, 2019

Simmered Buttery Kabocha 黑糖味醂南瓜

1 Kabocha
4 tablespoons Brown Sugar
2 tablespoon Mirin
2 tablespoons Butter
1/4 teaspoon Salt

1. Cut the Kabocha in half and scoop out the seeds.

2. Cut off some of the thick skins. 

3. Cut the Kabocha into large cubes. 

4. In a medium pot, melt the butter over high heat.

5. Add Kabocha cubes and stir fry them until they are coated with butter.

6. Add brown sugar, marin and salt; stir well.

7. With the lid on, cook them over medium-low heat for about 13-15 minutes.  Gently stir them half way through to prevent them from burning.  Serve with steamed rice.  Store them in the fridge up to one week. 

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