Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Drunken Chicken Wing with Sour Plum | 話梅花雕雞翼

The first type of drunken chicken I ate was chicken feet.  My mom soaked the feet in Xhaoxing wine for two whole days before serving them to us.  We would eat them like drum sticks style.  The cold meat and the jelly like Xhaoxing wine jelly helped cool our body and beat the summer heat.

Making drunken chicken needs only a fair quality of Xhaoxing cooking wine.  The goji and sour plum is also just a surplus; you can totally skip them if they are not on hand.  I hope you will enjoy this summer treat.

1 lbs Chicken Wings, rinsed
2 cups Xhaoxing Cooking Wine
1/2 cup Water
1 tablespoon Goji or Wolfberries
5-7 pcs Sour Plums
2 teaspoons Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt

1 磅  雞翼,沖淨
2 杯  紹興酒
1/2 杯 水
1 湯匙  杞子
5-7 粒  話梅
2 茶匙  糖
1/2 茶匙  鹽

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.  Add chicken wings; cook for about 15 minutes or until they are cooked through.  Drain and rinse them under running cold water to stop the cooking process. Set them aside.

2. In the same pot, add Xhaoing wine, 1/2 cup water, goji, sour plum, sugar, and salt.  Bring it to a boil and then continue to boil for another 5 minutes until the strong taste of the alcohol has evaporated.  Turn off the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.  Pour the wine mixture over the chicken wings and make sure the wings are totally submerged.

3. Place them in the fridge to chill overnight before serving.

1. 燒熱一鍋水。下雞翼,煮若15分鐘或至其熟透。把水倒掉;雞翼用水沖涼備用。

2. 在同一只鍋內,下紹興、1/2杯水、杞子、話梅、糖和鹽。用大火熱滾,再繼續煮5分鐘讓大部份的酒精輝發。關火,把其放涼至室溫,然後倒入雞翼。雞翼要完全蓋過。

3. 放入雪櫃冷藏一晚至入味才食用。

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